Welfare Watch - March 15, 2013 - Transitional Medical Assistance

From: U.S. GAO

Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA) is a Medicaid program that offers up to 1 year of additional Medicaid health insurance benefits for certain low-income families who would otherwise lose coverage. Specifically, under TMA provisions that are subject to reauthorization, families who would otherwise lose Medicaid eligibility because of earned income or hours of employment, or the loss of a time-limited earnings disregard, receive at least 6 months and up to 12 months of Medicaid coverage. However, because little is known about TMA enrollment and expenditures within each state, Congress had asked us to provide more information to inform deliberations on reauthorization. To this end, we issued a report in December 2012, which included information about states' TMA program policies, enrollment, and expenditures beginning in 2006 through the most recent year available.

more i
nformation at http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-13-454R

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